
What You Should Do if You Want to Publish your Manuscript

  Before submitting your work, you should check your manuscript for errors. There are several steps involved in ensuring that a manuscript meets journal indexing standards. Consider how your work justifies the continuation of your research. Generally, a study gives other researchers the impetus to look at the research in advance. Critical researchers look for loopholes in hopes of discovering a new concept. Ask yourself if your research clearly defines the objectives and achieves the research goals. It is important that you use the most appropriate research methods for your objectives. Your research manuscript should be accurate and logical. Use clear language and explain any sub-questions that have arisen during the course of the research. Last but not least, avoid reading too many theoretical books because it will take too long and you will not use the time efficiently. Above all, practice so that you can improve your own research work and evaluate your own work and that of other...

Pengalaman Mengajar Online dengan Mata Kuliah "Hukum Bisnis"

<script async src=""      crossorigin="anonymous"></script>                                                  Photo; Unplash   Seminggu lalu, saya membuka e mail saya dan pada kali itu, ada e mail penawaran dari Mahasiswa untuk mendapatkan konselin pengajaran Hukum Bisnis. Tentu saja, saya senang karena saya bisa mengasah ilmu saya dalam bidang hukum.  Saya pun menghubunginya via nelpon yang bukan nomor WhatSapp. Dan pada saat itu, diterima oleh Ibu dan memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai Ibu daripada students itu  yang hendak belajar. Dia memberitahukan kepada saya kalau dia  harus menghubungi anaknya dan memintanya menghubungi saya.  Sore harinya, saya menerima introduction dari student yang telah menghubngi saya via Wha...

My Subject is about Research Methodology in UK

  Sultan Saiful Nov 4 · 3 min read During that time I had the opportunity to attend training as part of the Academic Research Methodology for Master’s Student course at Coventry University. The training was designed to improve the skills of researchers. We studied for more than 1000 hours. On the part of the assignment of reviewing the individual learner , I read it carefully assignments are as at below context which was reviewed by Shau Lin- one of the participants in this class of research. I completed my assignment as follows; Does internation a l investment law pose a constraint or a threat to Indonesia’s regulatory rights? Before I explain the hypothesis, I would like to point out that international investment law does not apply in the state of Indonesia. However, international investment law will transfer from international investment law to national law. The international investment law will approve the national law of each country. The international investment law is not kn...

The Story of My Friend that He will Do the 5 Things to Forget Family

  Sultan Saiful Nov 5 · 3 min read In this cold, rainy afternoon, I received a call from a distant friend. My best friend is out of town at this time because our headquarters has placed a work order. At first, he called me on social media thinking I could see his face on the screen. What surprised me was that he had broken up with his life partner. Of course I was surprised because all of us in the group have always encouraged him to start a family. Credit; unplash This   romantic couple is our group in the sales office. They are nice to me and I myself consider them as eternal friends. Imagine us as a group enjoying the sunset at the coffee store in the afternoon. We joked and laughed out loud with this friend. Until the time when these two friends formed a family. Since our company is founded by a group of young people who are passionate about it, it does not take long and our offices are in multiple locations. And that or friend our couples who have become a harmonious pair...