
A Day When My City Locked down

Sultan Saiful Jan 30 · 3 min read A Day When My City Locked down The pandemic has been spreading for almost a year. Yes, it started in the early 2020s, but in Indonesia, we only realized in March 2020, at the beginning of the year, there were still reasons in Jakarta, who have doubts of this outbreak. He doubted the results of Harvard University’s research stated on sentences given below sentences; The absence of coronavirus cases in Indonesia has sparked concern for Harvard researchers. According to him, the a b sence of this may the pandemic mean the virus has actually spread, but not detected . If that happens, he said, there is potential for the virus to a much bigger epidemic. Indonesia has reported zero cases, and you would expect to have seen a few cases, said epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch at Harvard THC and School of Public Health, as quoted by VOA News. The head of the Ministry’s Health Research and Development Agency, Dr. Siswanto, responded t...