A Day When My City Locked down
A Day When My City Locked down

The pandemic has been spreading for almost a year. Yes, it started in the early 2020s, but in Indonesia, we only realized in March 2020, at the beginning of the year, there were still reasons in Jakarta, who have doubts of this outbreak. He doubted the results of Harvard University’s research stated on sentences given below sentences;
The absence of coronavirus cases in Indonesia has sparked concern for Harvard researchers.
According to him, the absence of this may the pandemic mean the virus has actually spread, but not detected . If that happens, he said, there is potential for the virus to a much bigger epidemic. Indonesia has reported zero cases, and you would expect to have seen a few cases, said epidemiologist Marc Lipsitch at Harvard THC and School of Public Health, as quoted by VOA News.
The head of the Ministry’s Health Research and Development Agency, Dr. Siswanto, responded to the expert’s research from Harvard University. He said that the research was based only based on mathematical calculations and the correctness had not been confirmed. The Harvard research is a mathematical model to predict the dynamics of the spread of the novel coronavirus based on how many people are passing by, As he said at the Presidential Palace Complex, Jakarta. He said, if it is based on mathematical calculations, there should be 6–7 positive cases of the corona virus in Indonesia. However, his party emphasized that to this day there has not been a single case that has been tested positive for corona based on the results of the Ministry of Health’s Research and Development laboratory. The Ministry of Health itself has conducted laboratory tests on 59 cases out of 62 cases. (Kompas.com/ 2020/02/11 / )
Actually, what makes them unsure? According to experts, they judge that, what they saying is not true.
From zero to a Million Cases?
Reality in the field, based on facts to date, Indonesia has confirmed that the number of COVID-19 sufferers is based on Data as of 21, January 2021
Total cases: 939,948
Died: 26,857
Cured: 763,703
Under care: 149,388
We always have hope here and there
Vaccines that are already circulating in our country are currently running. Mr. President and medical personnel and government officials, and the elected people have received vaccines. In fact, the vaccine also provides a kind of medicine that offers great medicine. Meanwhile, our cities, Jakarta, Depok, Bogor and other cities of Indonesia Island carried out limited activities, for example, malls can only be opened until 10:00 a.m. 20:00 p.m. Visitors are limited to 50%, including office activities with limited working hours. Teaching systems done with an online .
When our City is locked, we should still be creative based on our talents and passions, most importantly, the faith we are expected to say a Prayer to the Creature of Nature. Big hope should be in our minds in order to pass the tragedy. In the near future we will get more free spaces to be creative everywhere.
Saiful, Sultan. “I Think Myself Is Infected of COVID-19 Virus -19 | by Sultan Saiful | Medium.” 3 Apr. 2020
Saiful, Sultan. “I Think Myself Is Infected of Covid Virus -19 | by Sultan Saiful | Medium.” Medium, Medium, 3 Apr. 2020