
How does the Campus of Indonesia Empower SMEs? An Analysis of the Assistances found in KEMDIKBUD Programs; My Theme is on Research

  Introduction Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have an important role in the economic and industrial growth of a country (Husband and Purnendu, 1999; Mahemba, 2003; Tambunan, 2005). Small businesses are important to study because they have a crucial role in economic growth on a national and regional scale. Mostly  90% of the total businesses in the world are contributed by SMEs (Lin, 1998).  In addition, SMEs have a contribution to employment (Tambunan, 2005). Empirical studies show that SMEs on an international scale is a source of job creation (Olomi, 1999; Lin, 1998; Westhead and Cowling, 1995). The contribution of SMEs to employment, both in developed and developing countries, including Indonesia, has a significant role in overcoming the problem of unemployment.  In Indonesia, SMEs have a strategic role in development, this is shown in the National Long-Term Dev...

The assistances of Campuses toward SMEs in Indonesia as a Way Out to Empowering SMEs to Achieve the Next Level

  During this pandemic, the production and marketing activities of Small and Medium Units in Indonesia experienced a very significant decline. SMEs in Indonesia ha a very drastic decrease in turnover. Their production and marketing are reaching a turnover of millions of Rupiah per day and have now decreased to hundreds of thousands of Rupiah.  Research Questions; 1. Should Campus provide Assistances to Small and Medium Enterprises? 2. If SMEs agree to receive mentoring, what kinds of assistance are that forces? 3. If SMEs do not agree with the Assistances what kinds of  the obstacles occur in campus assistance to SMEs The contributing factor is due to very reduced raw materials and this affects the marketing.  Our research provides solutions to these Small and Medium Enterprise problems with an analytical hierarchy process, which will provide solutions by increasing production and sales. Problems; Internal Problems (Basic) ...

The assistance of Campus towards SMEs in Indonesia as a Way Out to Empowering SMEs to Achieve the Next Level

                                                                 PRELIMINARY   During this pandemic, the production and marketing activities of Small and Medium Units in Indonesia experienced a very significant decline. SMEs in Indonesia ha a very drastic decrease in turnover. Their production and marketing are reaching a turnover of millions of Rupiah per day and have now decreased to hundreds of thousands of Rupiah.  Research Questions; 1. Should Campus provide Assistances to Small and Medium Enterprises? 2. If SMEs agree to receive mentoring, what kinds of assistance are that forces? 3. If SMEs do not agree with the Assistances what kinds of  the obstacles occur in campus assistance to SMEs The contributing factor is due to very reduced raw materials and this...

No Trade Barriers against Indonesian Palm Oil

“There are no trade barriers against Indonesian palm oil, the EU market is open. The EU and Indonesia agree to strengthen their dialogue and cooperation to develop the sustainability of palm oil production”. Vincent Guerend, EU Ambassador to Indonesia.    The EU welcomes and supports Indonesia’s efforts toward achieving 100 percent sustainable Palm Oil by 2020. The EU is ready to work with Indonesia on how existing certification schemes could be strengthened and promoted.   The EU does not require sustainability measures to be commodity-specific. We are committed to fighting all drivers of deforestation (soy, beef, cocoa, coffee, timber approaches occurred, etc). To be fully inclusive, a future, “sustainable Palm Oil solution “ does not have to put the burden of certification on individual “small farmers “ (40 %of Indonesian Production ): Group -certification and landscape approaches occurred could also be explored. Indonesia has committed to reducing emissions f...

Introduction to Tort and Negligence Law

Who is your neighbour? persons who are so closely or directly affected by my act that I ought reasonably to have them in contemplation as being so affected when I am directing my mind to the acts or omissions which are called in question.’ The neighbour test has two elements: First element: People owe a duty to take reasonable care not to injure their ‘neighbours’ Who is your neighbour? ‘…persons who are so closely or directly affected by my act that I ought reasonably to have them in contemplation as being so affected when I am directing my mind to the acts or omissions which are called in question.’ Second element: You must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbour. This means you must take reasonable care to ensure you do not cause reasonably foreseeable harm that you may likely cause to your neighbour if you are negligent or careless!! Confused? Ask yourselves these two questions:...

Happy Teaching Business Law with an Awesome First Day

Getty Images A week ago, I opened my e-mail and at that time, there was an e-mail an offering from a student who wants to study business law. Of course, I am happy because I can share my knowledge about business law. I contacted him via a non-WhatsApp number. And at that time, his Mother accepted my calling and introduced herself as his Mother. She told me that she should call his son and asked him to contact me. In the afternoon, I received an introduction from a student who had contacted me via WhatsApp. Before the first lesson, I asked him to introduce himself, and he said that at this time, this student is studying business at a campus affiliated with an Australian campus. At the first meeting, on Sunday night, I started the first meeting webinar. After introducing myself I also gave the material subject but he replied that he had his material from his campus. This is a summary that I have worked on ; Torts, and the Tort of Negligence Neglige...

The Day before Pandemic Spreading in my Country and this I Did when the Pandemic Hit Me

        Sultan Saiful Sep 16, 2021 · 3 min read · Listen Some of us may survive during the pandemic, but others continue to suffer. They are dying. It really is a nightmare because I do not think it will happen again and again. My opinion is just one of my expressions and I really believe that we can still persevere in this situation. On February 27 and 28, the event titled ‘Second IP & Innovation Researchers of ASIA (IPIRA)’Conference and Workshop for IP Teachers and Researchers was held on the campus. On February 29, 2020, the event continued at the same venue, namely the Faculty of Law UI in Depok, West Java, Indonesia. In my opinion, this event is monumental and of high value as most of the participants are researchers from the field of law who are working on the topic of ‘Intellectual Property. Yes, I am one of the participants. Some participants discussed key concepts such as royalties, creator...

How to Write a Potentially Viral Essay

  Sultan Saiful Nov 24, 2021 · 2 min read · Listen Credit; Unplash What is an Essay? According to the Oxford Dictionary, an essay is a free-length essay on a side of the problem that was originally shown by short essays, but now it is also used to name complex essays, although still in a limited range. Ambo Nai, Film Bugis Yang Buat Kangen Kampung Halaman #Take Me Home #JohnDenver Ambo Nai, Film Bugis Yang Buat Kangen Kampung Halaman #Take Me Home #JohnDenver Ambo Nai, Film Bugis Yang Buat Kangen Kampung Halaman #Take Me Home An essay that can become viral will be supported by several things; The thesis is set to be the top or become a hot topic of discussion in an arena. Second, it must provide added value for readers. Awesome, Rolex Watches is my pride and confidence in every stages #Viral Furthermore, thirdly, the essay must have the appropriate hashtag. If the author analyzes a social science, the authors will give hashtags related to content. Fo...