Narasi Perkuliahan, Academic Research Methodology di Benua Eropa
Pada Sebuah Perkuliahan di Benua Eropa, saya mendapat kesempatan untuk mengikuti pelatihan pada kelas Master Degree, Academic Research Methodology for Master’s Students - Coventry University
Pelatihan itu adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan para
Peneliti. Pelatihan ini berlansung lebih 1000 Jam. Pada bagian tugas mereview pada masing- masing learner,
saya membaca secara seksama tugas yang seperti di bawah ini, yang telah
direview oleh Shau Lin- salah seorang peserta pada kelas Research untuk kelas Peneliti
Salah satu tema dari pada
tugas ini, yaitu;
International Investment Law Constitute a Limit or Threat to The Rights of
Indonesia to Regulate?
Before I
explain the Hypothesis, I would like to let you know that International
Investment Law doesn’t implement in the State of Indonesia. However International
Investment Law will remedy from International Investment Law to Domestic Law.
The International Investment Law will approve domestic law for each country.
International Investment Law is not known in Indonesia, but it is an Investment Law. Based on article 1 number 1, investment law number 25 / 2007, investment is all forms of investment activities, both they are domestic investment and Foreign investment are to do business in the territory of theRepublic of Indonesia. Investment Law regulates the business fields that are allowed for investment review.
Potential of
foreign investor lawsuit behind Indonesia’s Singapore-Bilateral Investment
Agreed on the annual meeting of the IMF-Bank World in
2013 at
Bali, Indonesia. There is a sixth bilateral investment treaty to protect the
Singapore investment that will enter Indonesia. The signing of the
Indonesia-Singapore bilateral investment (BIT) of Singapore, they also signed an investment cooperation relations with investment plans in several sectors such as Industrial 4.0, Tours, Fintech and Education.
The signing of Indonesia-Singapore is seen as a form of setbacks from the policies that the Indonesian government has taken by 2013 to review and stop the enforcement .Since the 1960s to 2013, Indonesia has 63 agreements. The impact of the Contract, Indonesia has at least 8 experience cases of foreign investors against Indonesia with the value of claims of compensation from foreign investors to billions of dollars. Investors are named Rafat Ali Rizvi ( Indonesia-UK), Churchill Mining ( Indonesia-UK), Newmont (Indonesia Bear Indonesia — Netherlands), India Metal Ferro Alloys (Indonesia-India), and Oleovest Ltd. (Indonesia-Singapore). In fact, the potential of the Indonesian case forward if the claims are not discontinued to extend to various sectors such as health, where some countries have experienced foreign investor lawsuits related to health and drug issues. How should the path and the road be taken? Indonesia must conduct transparency and provide rights to the Indonesian people to know the information of international investment business agreements. It is intended to provide a sense of justice for foreign investors and the people of Indonesia.
The author has elaborated whether the Investment Law limit threatens the rights of the country’s constitutional rights? After reading the above points, it can be concluded that the state does not limit and threaten but in term, it is necessary to have a commitment to have a contract agreement that must be fulfilled and obeyed.
Shaun Leigh merespon tugas review sebagai berikut?
#1. Has
the learner clearly and coherently introduced the research proposal with a
strong justification of its importance?
It sounds more like an opinion rather than a
proposal based off of other research findings. I would suggest to do research
regarding the impacts of the how the laws affect something specifically as this
is too broad at present, but it is interesting to read.
#2. Has
the learner comprehensively analyzed the internal and external factors relevant
to their problem?
It doesn't
seem like you have considered the research in this area as it seems to lack
clarity. I would try to focus more on one thing as it seems difficult to try
and determine findings from this. Has the learner presented a realistic
strategy to carry out research to address their research objectives? You have
not outlawed what method you would use to find out the required information,
for example qualitative or quantitative data so I am unsure what the strategy
Shaun Leigh telah menanggapinya dengan sesuai kaidah review, sebagai berikut;
1. 1. Artikel tidak menjelaskan kemungkinan besar dampak yang bisa terjadi setelah membaca artikel tersebut di atas. Hal ini terjadi, karena tulisan itu adalah opini yang memberikan deskripsi tentang hukum internasional.
P2. Penelitian
di bidang ini karena tampaknya kurang jelas. Apakah pelajar menyajikan strategi realistis
untuk melakukan penelitian? Metode apa yang digunakan untuk mengetahui
informasi yang diperlukan, misalnya data kualitatif atau kuantitatif jadi Shaun Leigh, tidak yakin strateginya.
Narasi peristiwa ini sudah berlalu dan saya sudah hampir melupakannya, tapi saya yakin bermanfaat buat diri sendiri dan bagi pelajar dan peneliti.
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