A June Rain at University; My Sweet moment was Unforgettable
A June Rain at University; My Sweet moment was Unforgettable
No one is wiser
From the rain of June
He left the unspoken
absorbed the roots of the flower tree

When a rainy season came in June, I remembered my college fellows. I was studying at that moment. The atmosphere of the rainy season which almost every day made a sense of romance. Raindrops that fell on the grass and after that, the smell of grass and flowers on the campus yard. the feeling of freezy came to me.
The memory went back to my childhood, in my hometown, playing with my young friends at terracing of paddy field. However, my story this time, it’sn’t, yes it’s story when we were on campus.
In the morning, before lecturing, I walked across the campus yard, flamboyant trees bloomed freshly, rainy, it migh be all night. Before arriving at the classroom, my best friend gave me a note that I ordered last night. She made me an analyze of the poem about ‘rain in June’ by Professor Sapardi Djoko Damono.
He smiled and handed me the paper. I cheered happily, because she fulfilled his promise, even though I knew she was also busy. She studied instead of working at grocery stores.
I also bowed my head to read that Poem.
A poem has always been a legend in our group, and we always discussed among mates.
No one is more patient
From the rain of June
Withheld her longing
To the flowering tree
No one is the wiser
From the rain of June
He removed his footprints
The hesitant in the street
No one is wiser
From the rain of June
He left the unspoken
absorbed the roots of the flower tree
Yes, when June came to me, I always remembered the sweet memories that have given me love, friendship. How about you, guys? Do you have a story that always made you smile in your loneliness because of remembering that moment?
Mujiningsih, Erlis & Suryami,. (2020). Literary Adaptation of the Poem Hujan Bulan Juni by Sapardi Djoko Damono as an Alternative to Bring the Work Closer to the People. 10.2991/assehr.k.201215.033.
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