Pub P.S. I Love You, ended to Write in Medium; I will Miss Them


Pub P.S. I Love You, ended to Write in Medium; I Will Miss Them

Guys, friendship, like cocoons, then become butterflies' that they will be free to fly without borders. At least I was a little surprised and sad when I read this Publisher’s statements on the Twitter page. On that page, this Publisher explained 6 Paragraphs. It’s good to start looking for the meaning of all Paragraphs.

Goodbye from PS I Love You

Last month, we were informed by Medium that they would be pulling their funding for PS I Love you. This was not all too much of a surprise, given the larger changes that have been happening around editorial at Medium. Still, it sucks. And after some difficult conversations among our team about how to proceed, we've decided we have no real choice but to shut down the pub. Our last day publishing new stories will be June 30.

A few notes before we go. We loved running this publication; we loved the talented and inspiring writers we worked with; we loved our readers. We're going to miss all y'all deeply.

Please read below an email from the Publisher of PS I Love You:

On that Twitter page, several responses appeared below,

Sarah Paris; She wrote; Ugh. The Ascent was defunded too? So sorry to hear this, Steve. I hope you guys will stick around. I feel like two of my favorite pubs just broke up with me

Rabecca Cullen, She wrote; Well it’s a sad day. This has been my favorite publication on Medium — run with integrity and passion. Thank you for welcoming my work, I will miss you so. Wishing you all the best in your next endeavors Kay, Dan, Tre, & Scott.

As one of the authors in the medium, I feel that I will miss this publisher and I hope that the team will get success wherever they have a career.

I do not have the courage to say anything negative or positive about the medium, and it's definitely not my right. However, hope all will be well in time.


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