Introduction to Tort and Negligence Law
Kegagalan untuk berhati- hati .
Orang yang melakukan tindakan ceroboh yang merugikan orang lain.
Kelalaian memiliki tiga karakteristik utama:
1. Tindakan tersebut tidak disengaja ("Saya tidak bermaksud demikian, itu kecelakaan!!")
2. Tindakan tidak direncanakan ("Saya tidak merencanakan ini terjadi !!")
3. Cedera. Dalam unit ini, kita akan memeriksa tiga jenis cedera:
1. Kerusakan fisik, psikologis, atau kerusakan properti
2.Ekonomi atau finansial
3. Pemberian nasihat atau informasi yang lalai
Perbuatan karena kelalaian adalah suatu tindakan ganti rugi ( atau ganti rugi ) yang dibawa oleh orang yang dirugikan ( penggugat ) kepada orang yang lalai ( tergugat ).
Untuk berhasilnya suatu tindakan kelalaian, penggugat harus memenuhi tiga syarat.
Tes tetangga memiliki dua elemen:
Elemen pertama:
Kewajiban untuk berhati-hati agar tidak melukai 'tetangga'.
Siapa tetanggamu?
'...orang-orang yang begitu dekat atau langsung terpengaruh oleh tindakan saya sehingga saya seharusnya menganggap mereka begitu terpengaruh, ketika saya mengarahkan pikiran saya pada tindakan atau kelalaian .'
Tetangga memiliki dua elemen:
Elemen pertama:
Orang-orang berkewajiban untuk berhati-hati agar tidak melukai 'tetangga' mereka
Elemen kedua:
Anda harus berhati-hati untuk menghindari tindakan atau kelalaian yang secara wajar dapat Anda perkirakan akan mungkin melukai tetangga Anda.
Ini berarti Anda harus berhati-hati untuk memastikan Anda tidak menyebabkan kerusakan yang dapat diduga yang mungkin Anda timbulkan pada tetangga Anda jika Anda lalai atau ceroboh!!
Bingung? Tanyakan pada diri Anda dua pertanyaan ini:
1) Apakah tetangga Anda menyebabkan kerugian, bahaya atau cedera jika mereka ceroboh atau lalai?
Jika jawaban Anda adalah ya
2) Apakah jenis kerugian ini dapat diperkirakan secara wajar ?
Dalam konteks tempat kerja, pemberi kerja bertanggung jawab atas tindakan atau kelalaian karyawannya, asalkan dapat ditunjukkan bahwa hal itu terjadi selama masa kerja mereka.
Contoh: Seorang pengantar barang, mengendarai secara tidak sah dan memukul seseorang selama bekerja yang menyebabkan orang terluka.
Namun, pemberi kerja pada umumnya tidak bertanggung jawab atas tindakan kelalaian kontraktor independen karena pemberi kerja telah melepaskan atau mendelegasikan tanggung jawabnya dengan mempekerjakan kontraktor independen dan berkualifikasi untuk menggantikannya.
Hari ini kami memeriksa:
Hukum gugatan secara umum
Hukum umum gugatan kelalaian
Elemen utama
Tugas perawatan;
Pelanggaran Tugas , dan
Ganti rugi
Torts, and the Tort of Negligence
Failure to take proper care that a reasonable person would exercise in a similar situation
The person who commits a careless act that creates harm to another person Negligence has three key characteristics
1. The action is unintentional (“I didn’t mean it, it was an accident!!”)
2. The action is not planned (“I didn’t plan for this to happen!!”)
3. Some type of injury is created. In this unit, we will examine three types of injuries:
1. Physical, psychological or damage to property
2. Purely economic or financial
3. Purely economic or financial loss caused by giving negligent advice or information
The action for negligence is an action for damages (or compensation) brought by the injured person (the plaintiff) to the negligent person (defendant).
To succeed for an action of negligence, the plaintiff must satisfy three requirements.
The neighbour test has two elements:
First element:
People owe a duty to take reasonable care not to injure their ‘neighbours’
Who is your neighbour?
‘…persons who are so closely or directly affected by my act that I ought reasonably to have them in contemplation as being so affected when I am directing my mind to the acts or omissions which are called in question.’
The neighbour test has two elements:
First element:
People owe a duty to take reasonable care not to injure their ‘neighbours’
Who is your neighbour?
‘…persons who are so closely or directly affected by my act that I ought reasonably to have them in contemplation as being so affected when I am directing my mind to the acts or omissions which are called in question.’
Second element:
You must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbour.
This means you must take reasonable care to ensure you do not cause reasonably foreseeable harm that you may likely cause to your neighbour if you are negligent or careless!!
Confused? Ask yourselves these two questions:
1) Do you expect your neighbour to cause you a loss, harm or injury if they were careless or negligent?
If your answer is yes
2) Are these types of losses reasonably foreseeable?
YES! This is called vicarious liability.
In a workplace context, an employer can be vicariously liable for the acts or omissions of its employees, provided it can be shown that they took place in the course of their employment.
Example: A delivery man riding unlawfully and hitting a person during the course of his employment which leaves the person injured (Hollis v Vabu Pty Ltd)
However, an employer is not generally responsible for the negligent acts of an independent contractor because the employer has discharged or delegated his/her responsibilities by hiring an independent and qualified contractor to act in his/her place.
Today we examined:
The law of tort generally
The common law tort of negligence
The main elements
Duty Of Care;
Breach of the Duty Of Care, and
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