How far You can Go with English Profeciency Test


Teachers, Lecturers, who are interested in teaching abroad are obligated to pass the EPT( English Proficiency Test)

What is meant by EPT? EPT is such as a test that can give a signal that the educator can be considered to have the exact certainty that they have the capability. Usually, certain countries, provide a benchmark above 80 Percentage. 

Here is the Test

1.       1. The event organizer apologized to Mrs Husada for failing to include her name on the guest list. Saying the omission was not ……..


(A)   deliberate

(B)   deliberation

(C)   deliberator

(D)  deliberately




2.      2. All represent officers must have -------qualifications and at least three years’ classroom experience.


(A)   higher

(B)   more highly

(C)   most highly

(D)  highest



3.       3-------to gain approval from Governments of a new retail outlet in the city centre prompted the developers to look elsewhere for suitable locations.


(A)   Failure

(B)   To have failed

(C)   Fails

(D)  By failing





4.     4.  Mr Lee’s staff is encouraged to rely on e-mail and scheduling business trade ----we can conserve paper

(A)   not only

(B)   on behalf of

(C)   while

(D)  so that



5.       5. Mr Adam credited his business success to ------advice from a mentor 20 years earlier.


(A). Help

 (B). helpful

  (C) Helpfully

   (D ) Helper


If educators answer the 5 questions is correct, that you can teach and write articles in English.

If educators answer these 4 questions is correct, you can teach and write articles but need more help with English applications, such as Trinka, Grammarly, and others.

If the educators answered these 3 questions is correct,  that you can understand English and can read scientific journals.

If educators answer 1/2 of these questions correctly, educators need to study more intensively.


My writing only provides predictions on the ability of educators to know their English as a communication tool for teaching and writing for research journals in the academic field.

And here's the answer.

1. A.

2. B.

3. C

4. D

5. B

In which position are you,  educators?


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