
Road to Scopus; Start Doing the Research

I have explained that road to Scopus meant "Doing your Research". Practice is keywords. In Snowy Season, Books Sales are increasing; A Case Study  in New York City This study determines the progress of book sales and its positive impact on readers and writers. Second, this research also provides encouragement for publishers to contribute more re. Sales and its business growth Third, this research is also to provide anticipation for the author to be productive writing before the Winter season and published before the snowfall. Research methods include) Tracking academic literature and other related reading materials, as well as relevant documents, official reports, etc. :) Bibliography review: iii) Document analysis; iv) overall data analysis; v) Journal research reports; vi) Focus to get discussions to obtain feedback on the design of the research report.  The author responded to the design of this research report and used a subjective approach to review exist...

Narasi Pak Anis Baswedan, Gubernur Jakarta, yang Mengharu Biru Perasaan

</script> “Anies, daripada kamu sendirian, bayar sewa, udah pindah aja ke sini; di atas ada kamar. Selalu kosong kok,” begitu kata Pak Yahya Muhaimin.  Saya sedang menulis makalah pagi itu, saat Pak Yahya menelpon, meminta saya pindah dari apartemen dekat kampus University of Maryland ke rumah beliau sbg Atase Pendidikan di Washington DC. Beberapa kali beliau mengulang, sampai akhirnya saya pindah dan tinggal di lantai atas rumahnya di kawasan elit di Bethesda, Maryland.  Setelah tinggal di rumahnya, kami diskusi hampir tiap malam. Sampai lulus program Master, dan saat akan meninggalkan Washington pun berangkatnya dari rumah Pak Yahya. Belajar banyak dari seorang cendikiawan yang amat baik hati itu. **  Suatu sore, tiba di apartement setelah dari kampus, terlihat sebuah amplop ada di kotak surat. Tertulis nama pengirimnya Yahya Muhaimin. Saat dibuka, hanya berisi selembar uang 100 dollar yang dimasukan dalam lipatan kertas HVS polos putih. Tidak ada tulisan apapu...

Road to Scopus Indexes

Author and Trader 5 October 2021 Road to Scopus Indexes' Dear Readers, At this time, we are doing the Research, however, we need the funds, which we can use for investigating more deeply. Please donate for making our Research is successful. Please click link;     Enjoy this Post? Support Author and Trader on  Ko-fi   Support 12 Views life   inspiration   journals   research   productivity   lessons   creativity   mindfulness   reviewers   self-improvement   manuscripts   roadtoscopus   newyorks Comments  Latest Posts 📝 Road to Scopus Indexes' 5 Oct 2021

Semalam di Singapore

Kawan, saya ingin   berkisah kepadamu, bahwa sejak saya ada kontak bisinis trade di Singapore, maka saya mempunyai kesempatan berkunjung ke Singapore. Tapi minatku ini, apabila saya ke Singapore, saya selalu memilih rute Jakarta, Bandara Seokarno Hatta, di Cengkareng ke Hang Nadim, ke Batam. Dan dari Batam saya naik ferry ke Singapore, dan apabila saya ...

Buku Fiksi karya Sandra, Membuat Saya Menjelajahi Puncak, Bogor, Jawa Barat; Terpesona karena Narasi Penulisnya

  Siapakah penulis yang bernama Sandra? Ada baiknya saya jelaskan sepintas perkenalan saya dengan bukunya. Pada waktu saya masih sangat belia , saya meminjam bukunya di Perpustakaan sekolah . Di sampul bukunya tertulis nama penulis, Sandra. Hanya Sandra. Pada masa itu, usia kami yang masih belasan tahun, dan lucunya novel itu saya baca berulang -ulang. Apa keistimewaan novel Sandra.   Sandra, dalam novelnya memberikan gambaran sebagai anak yang berpenyakit "sesuatu" dan oleh bapaknya , dia diharuskan beristirahat di rumah yang jauh dari kota. Bapaknya sebagai peneliti arkeolog , sering meninggalkannya. Jadilah dia ditemani oleh Ibu yang tinggal di Kampung tersebut. Deskripsi alam yang digambarkan oleh Sandra, saya menarik kesimpulan bahwa setting ceritanya, terletak di Puncak, nyanyian pohon pinus dan minuman susu yang dicampur dengan gula merah, adalah kebiasaan pendududuk  lokal di puncak, Bogor , atau di Lemban , Bandung. Sandra menggambarkan dirinya sedang duduk...

My short Poem for Sydney City

     It's been too long since we met It's really not easy to forget you The seagulls in your harbour We  imagined   various flavours  on  Harbour  We felt sorrow,  happiness Lovely, Sydney,  hear our  song We sing for you Let us remember you We are Missing Sydney so much  She has Full of memories Listen to our  song for you,  Sydney It's been too long since we met It's really not easy to forget you Your blue sky makes me go crazy       Author Reference;  Text song Indra Lesmana, Sydney yang Kurindukan 

How Beautiful are Our Days when We Do not Have too Many Gadgets in Our Hands

                                   Credit; Getty image This story reminds the generation + 40 of the ages that tell their descendants of a simple, natural life and little deception around us. Too many gadgets in our hands have stifled the lives of today’s generation of children, making them less social and less caring about their friends. With narratives from the past, we can give our children education or social life in society. At that time it was about three mo n ths before the month of Ramadan was due in our kampong (village). 2 persons, namely MOTHER and CHILD, suddenly appeared in my school on a sunny morning. Later, the boy was a new student in my school. In Green village, people were so stirred, especially for kids were like my age. I tried to look at this new friend, who was not thin in stature and not too fat. He loved to smile and his dimples appeared on his face. And his yellow s...

How far You can Go with English Profeciency Test

                                                                            Author Teachers, Lecturers, who are interested in teaching abroad are obligated to pass the EPT( English Proficiency Test) What is meant by EPT? EPT is such as a test that can give a signal that the educator can be considered to have the exact certainty that they have the capability. Usually, certain countries, provide a benchmark above 80 Percentage.  Here is the Test 1.        1.  The event organizer apologized to Mrs Husada for failing to include her name on the guest list. Saying the omission was not ……..   (A)    deliberate (B)    deliberation (C)    deliberator (D)   deliberately       2. ...

Living Careless and Free in Bali Island

Senja  di Jakarta, jam pulang kantor, seharusnya saya masih santai saja seperti biasanya, bersantai dengan minum kopi , di cafe di lantai dasar pada gedung perkantoran di Jalan Jendral Sudirman, berkumpul dengan teman sambil bergurau, melupakan penat setelah seharian kerja, tapi kali ini, tidaklah, karena saya harus mendapatkan pesawat kami yang dari Cengkareng ke Bali.   Wah, syukurlah , tidak lama, mobil Bandara, yang saya tumpangi, yang menuju ke Airport  sudah sampai.Dan tidak lama kemudian saya di dalam pesawat.Dan jelang beberapa saat pesawat ini sudah mengankasa. Akhirnya, perencanaan saya untuk travel ke Bali tercapai sudah.  Mungkin kamu bertanya kepadaku, apa yang membuatku saya berlibur ke Bali?  Ketika saya menjawab bahwa Bali selalu jadi tempat inspiratif buatku, mungkin kamu akan diam sesaat lalu lanjut bertanya lagi yang menunggu kisah aku lebih panjang ? Baiklah ini kisahku. Malam sekitar Jam 20.00, saya sudah sampai di Bandara Ngurah Rai, d...

How to Write a Potentially Viral Essay

What is an Essay? According to the Oxford Dictionary,  a short piece of writing on a particular subject, written to be published  essay (by authors).  , but now it is also used to name complex essays, although still in a limited range. An essay that can become viral will be supported by several things; The thesis is set to be the top or become a hot topic of discussion in an arena.  First, it must provide added value for readers.  Furthermore, secondly,  the essay must have the appropriate hashtag. If the author analyzes a social science, the authors will give hashtags related to content. For example, if the hashtag is a social science, the hashtag should be #Lesson Life, and the publisher’s hashtag is related to content.  Please stay focused on what you write, the essay can go viral if you pay attention to the rules of essay writing.  Narrow the topics covered. . Choose a reading source related you want to write. Give your writing a ...