
Pub P.S. I Love You, ended to Write in Medium; I will Miss Them

  Sultan Saiful May 23 · 2 min read Pub P.S. I Love You,  ended to Write in Medium; I Will Miss Them Guys, friendship, like cocoons, then become butterflies' that they will be free to fly without borders.  At least I was a little surprised and sad when I read this Publisher’s statements on the Twitter page. On that page, this Publisher explained 6 Paragraphs. It’s good to start looking for the meaning of all Paragraphs. Goodbye from PS I Love You Last month, we were informed by Medium that they would be pulling their funding for PS I Love you. This was not all too much of a surprise, given the larger changes that have been happening around editorial at Medium. Still, it sucks. And after some difficult conversations among our team about how to proceed, we've decided we have no real choice but to shut down the pub. Our last day publishing new stories will be June 30. A few notes before we go. We loved running this ...

No Trade Barriers against Indonesia Palm Oil

  “There are no trade barriers against Indonesian palm oil, the EU market is open. The EU and Indonesia agree to strengthen their dialogue and cooperation to develop the sustainability of palm oil production”. Vincent Guerend, EU Ambassador to Indonesia The EU welcomes and support Indonesia’s efforts towards achieving 100 percent sustainable Palm Oil by 2020. The EU is ready to work with Indonesia on how existing certification schemes could be strengthened and promoted. The EU does not require sustainability measures to be commodity -specific. We are committed to fight all drivers of deforastation (soy, beef, cocoa, coffee, tiimber etc). To be fully inclusive, a future, “sustainable Palm Oil solution “ does not have to put the burden of certification on individual “small farmers “ (40 %of Indonesian Production ): Group -certification and landscape approachrs could also be explored. Indonesia has committed to reduce emissions from deforastation by 70–99 percent compared to business ...

AWS Invests New Region in Indonesia, So What’s Next ?

The new AWS Asia Pacific (Jakarta) Region will consist of three Availability Zones at launch, and will be AWS’s ninth region in Asia Pacific, joining existing regions in Beijing, Mumbai, Ningxia, Seoul, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, and an upcoming region in Hong Kong SAR. Currently, AWS provides 61 Availability Zones across 20 infrastructure regions worldwide, with another 12 Availability Zones across four AWS Regions in Bahrain, Hong Kong SAR, Italy, and South Africa expected to come online by the first half of 2020. “The clo u d has the power to transform businesses, educational institutions, and entire government agencies across Indonesia, and with another AWS infrastructure region coming to Asia Pacific, we look forward to helping accelerate this transformation,”  said Peter DeSantis, Vice President of Global Infrastructure and Customer Support, Amazon Web Services.  “Opening an AWS Region in Indonesia will support the country’s fast-growing startup ecosystem, large Indonesia...

4 Things to Do before Publishing your Project Research

  Submitting your works, it’s a good idea to review your manuscript to check for errors before submitting it for peer review or to an editor. There are four steps to take to ensure that a manuscript meets the standards for journal indexing. Firstly, consider how your work justifies the continuation of your research. In general, a study will provide impetus for other researchers to seek out the research in advance. Critical researchers look for loopholes in hopes of discovering a new concept. Ask your s elf if your research clearly defines the goals and achieves the research objectives. It’s important to use the most suitable research methods according to your objectives. Your research manuscript should be accurate and logical. Use clear language and explain any sub-questions that arose during the course of the research. Last but not least, avoid reading too much theoretical books because it takes too long, you aren’t using that time efficiently. Practice should be a priority s...

Does International Investment Law Constitute a Limit or Threat to The Rights of Indonesia to Regulate?

Before explaining the Hypothesis, we would like to let you know that International Investment Law doesn’t implement in the State of Indonesia. However International Investment Law will remedy from International Investment Law to Domestic Law. The International Investment Law will approve domestic law for each country. International Investment Law is not known in Indonesia, but it is an Investment Law. Based on article 1 number 1, investment law number 25 / 2007, investment is all forms of investment activities, both they are domestic investment and Foreign investment are to do business in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia. I n vestment Law regulates the business fields that are allowed for investment review. And also investors provide regulations, procedures for investing. Potential of foreign investor lawsuit behind Indonesia’s Singapore-Bilateral Investment Agreed on the annual meeting of the IMF-Bank World in 2013 at Bali, Ind...

How to Publish your Book in GOOGLE CO.,

Pada video 📹 terdahulu, Saya pernah mention mengenai ‘HOW TO PUBLISH YOUR MANUSCRIPT dan saat ini, Saya akan memberikan semacam Guidence cara Menerbitkan Buku AJAR, Sahabat Dosen, di HALAMAN ONLINE yang Internasional. Dalam hal ini, STUDENTS LEBIH MUDAH MENDAPATKANNYA, Lebih lanjut lagi, Sahabat Dosen bisa menikmati Royaltinya sendiri yaitu lansung dari Perusahaan tersebut, dan Royaltinya akan dinikmati setiap bulan. Lalu, gimana caranya? 1. Manuscript atau materi buku ajar itu, dikreasi dengan professional. Sahabat DOSEN mungkin harus bersepi- sepi untuk menyelesaikannya. Kalau sudah selesai usahakan punyai ISBN yang valid. Sahabat Dosen bisa mengajukan permintaan ISBN Buku AJAR INI di Perpustakaan Nasional, sedangkan kalau INGIN MENERBITKAN DALAM BENTUK JURNAL, KE LIPI. 2. Poin ke dua, nih yang penting, HARUS PUNYAI AKUN GMAIL.COM ? Dan account BANK yang bisa menerima royalty dan yang lebih penting lagi, ini lho, meskipun Sahabat DOSEN adalah Indonesian, biasanya Perusaahaan GOOG...

“European Countries Agree to Establish Common Standards for Hyperloop”

  Sultan Saiful Feb 12, 2020 · 4 min read A cross-European Network of Ultra-High-Speed Transportation is Coming closer to Reality “European Countries Agree to Establish Common Standards for Hyperloop” The founders were doubly awarded by Elon Musk in 2016 The hyperloop is a safe, fast, and energy-efficient transport system for transporting large numbers of people and goods between cities and countries. Autonomous vehicles move by means of a magnetic floating system through a low-pressure tube network connecting cities and logistical center. A new milestone in hyperloop transportation was reached when European countries banded together and agreed to create a joint technical committee (JTC) called JTC 20. As part of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) and the European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC), the goal of this technical committee is to define, establish, and standardize the methodology and fr...

My Old Friend Becoming a Taxi Driver amid Pandemic

  The pandemic already entered the snowy season , the road in New York City is a picture of life. People are struggling in lives. The hard struggle for my friend who had been getting old, became a taxi driver since his property has been taken over by the guarantor  . Looking for a model for his work . Everything has a lesson , then what achievements is he trying to achieve ? Source; gettyimages In pandemic now,  t he life situation in the Economy sector is already starting to decline . It began on February 2020 until this era . One of the triggering factors is the coronavirus outbreak hitting the world. Our family expands ! Our payment needs filling on our bills. My friend told me, He began to think about looking for opportunities in the new business. Then He looks for investors from the Globe . He is inviting and preaching to the community . He asked his business friends to invest in his company. He explained well about his project via the webinar/zoom, however his frien...

Narasi Perkuliahan, Academic Research Methodology di Benua Eropa

  Pada Sebuah Perkuliahan di Benua Eropa, saya mendapat kesempatan untuk mengikuti pelatihan pada kelas Master Degree, Academic Research Methodology for Master’s Students - Coventry University  Pelatihan itu adalah untuk meningkatkan keterampilan para Peneliti. Pelatihan ini berlansung lebih 1000 Jam. Pada bagian  tugas mereview pada masing- masing learner , saya membaca secara seksama tugas yang seperti di bawah ini, yang telah direview oleh Shau Lin- salah seorang peserta pada kelas Research untuk  kelas Peneliti tersebut.    Salah satu tema dari pada tugas ini, yaitu; Does International Investment Law Constitute a Limit or Threat to The Rights of Indonesia to Regulate? Before I explain the Hypothesis, I would like to let you know that International Investment Law doesn’t implement in the State of Indonesia. However International Investment Law will remedy from International Investment Law to Domestic Law. The International Investment Law will ...

How Do you Organize Your Ideas for Writing? @scopus, #Jakarta, Indonesia


I Think Myself is Infected of Covid-19

  Surviving during the of Pandemic, part of us can live, but the others go on suffering. They are dying. It really ’s nightmare as I do not even think will happen over and over again. My opinion is only one of my expression and I truly believe we can still stand in this situation. Starting from 27 to 28 February, the e v ent with the theme ‘-Second IP & Innovation Researchers of ASIA (IPIRA)’Conference and Workshop for IP Teachers and Researchers was held on Campus. Then the event continued on the 29th, February 2020, it was still in the same place, at the Faculty of Law UI, Depok, West Java, Indonesia .In my opinion, this event is monumental and high-value because the event has presented most participants are researchers in law disciplines who related to ‘Intellectual Property’.  Yes, I am one of the participants. Some participants had discussed the keywords such as royalty, creators. , methodology of research. The comers were attended by various countries, namely Banglad...