
In Snowy Season, Books Sales are increasing; Case Study in New York City; Abstract of the Research Paper

This study determines the progress of book sales and its positive impact on readers and writers.   This research also provides encouragement for publishers to contribute more. Sales and its business growth. This research is also to provide anticipation for the author to be productive in writing before the Winter season and published before the snowfall. Research methods include) Tracking academic literature and other related reading materials, as well as relevant documents, official reports, etc. :) Bibliography review: iii) Document analysis; iv) overall data analysis; v) Journal research reports; vi) Focus to get discussions to obtain feedback on the design of the research report. The author responded to the design of this research report and used a subjective approach to review existing files.

A loyal Audience According to Zulie Rane

Gambar I deliberately always present Zulie Rane's opinion about content creators. This is the result of Zulie Rane's thoughts. Every blogger need a loyal audience. Yes, they do.   I’m not just talking about your following count or monthly readers. I’m talking about an engaged, dedicated fanbase. Once you’ve established that platform, pretty much anything is possible! A loyal audience follows you anywhere, no matter the platform. Trusts you as an authority figure on certain topics. Engages with your content to give feedback and ideas. Guarantees a baseline of views and support on everything you publish. Sounds pretty good, right?  Here are six ways to build a loyal audience. Whether you’re a beginner trying to reach your first readers or a seasoned pro wanting to deepen the relationship with your audience – these are for you.   1. Think about the “second click.” When most beginner writers start out, they only think about...

Pinocchio Used as a Symbol Against Liars

Pinocchio literature originated of Italy in 1880 and was completed as a cartoon in 1883.  The setting of this story was taken from the fable in its native region, namely the village of San Miniato Basso. Pinocchio is a literary work for children and culture. UNESCO has considered heritage as a literary work. The story of Pinocchio has been translated into more than 240 languages.    What moral message does the work seek to convey? There are several versions of the stories in the Adventures of Pinocchio. One might think that Pinocchio is a villain who is evil and cruel, who steals and likes to show off, and who betrayed the person who helped him, the carpenter, Mr. Gepetto. Pinocchio is cunning when he reports the woodcarver to the authorities that the old man has driven him out of the house. Based on his report, the police arrested Gepetto and locked him up. Pinocchio returned home to Gepetto. Pinocchio sold the fort...

Should University Role enterprises provide Assistances to Small and Medium Enterprises?

  Article 21 states that:  A. Central Government and Local Government provide financing for Micro and Small Enterprises;  B. State-owned enterprises provide financing from the allowance for the share of annual profits allocated to Micro and Small Enterprises in the form of loans, guarantees, grants, and other financings.  C. National and foreign Large Enterprises provide financing allocated to Micro and Small Enterprises in the form of loans, guarantees, grants, and other financings.  D. The Central Government, Regional Governments, and the Business World provide grants, seek foreign assistance, and seek other legal and non-binding sources of financing for Micro and Small Enterprises.  E. The Central Government and Regional Governments following their respective authorities provide incentives in the form of ease of licensing requirements, reduced tariffs for facilities and infrastructure, and other forms of incent...

Wish a Happy Ied Adha Mubarak

Iedil Adha 1443 Hijrah Eid-ul-Adha is celebrated in the month of Zul Hijjah/Dhu al-Hijjah – the twelfth month of the Islamic calendar.  To celebrate the special day, we have sacrificed a giving we can share with our loved ones and let them know that we are thinking of them.   Today, We enjoy ourselves like a child and be thankful to Allah has bestowed all Muslims with such a beautiful day. &nbsp It’s time for Glorious and sharing.

Kampong Ayer, Brunei Darussalam Has Stolen My Heart to always Come Back to Visit It Again and Again

At that moment, I visited this country on Borneo Island. I traveled as a solo traveler. From my City, Jakarta, Indonesia to Brunei. My Flight transited at KLCC AIRPORT, Malaysia. Traveling alone and having an adventure on my own, I am like a true traveler in this city. I stayed at the Grand City Hotel, on Batu Bersurat street. After storing my goods at the hotel, I headed to Kampung Air. I was curious about what it was like, KPG Ayer, (water village)and? As I have read the information that there, houses were on the water and there were always boats passing by in that place. According to information about this river village, it was built in 1400, and the village has not changed from 1400 to the present. Wow, you can imagine. Villagers are very friendly, you don’t need to worry about security. A traveler can enjoy the atmosphere there without the slightest sense of fear. Actually, Kampung Ayer is the largest village in the world. So, would you like to do trips like I w...

A Letter from Zulie Rane in America; My 4-Step Process to Boost Low Views

Good morning Sultan Saiful,   Aren't we all a little in love with the highs of seeing a blog post do better than we'd hoped? And perhaps a little too familiar with the opposite: publishing an article into the void, AKA 0 views. I know this feeling INTIMATELY.  When I started writing online, I thought millions would magically discover my work because I was just that good, lol. And how many views did I actually get? Zero. It was frustrating, humiliating, and demoralizing. Even today, there are times when my views nosedive into scary depths. And us writers?  We struggle not to take this kind of thing personally. I do, at least. Luckily for you, I have condensed the harsh lessons I learned over the years into a simple checklist to get YOUR views back on track.  This 4-step strategy doesn’t guarantee overnight success. Obviously. But it does maximize your chances of getting the traffic you deserve. Let’s dive in! Play by the rules. I wish I didn’t have to...

Potential Barriers for Indonesia SMEs and How to Find the Solutions on that Matters

Gambar                                                                                                                                     Research Questions; 1. Should University Role enterprisesprovide Assistances to Small and Medium Enterprises? The Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSME) is one of the sectors affected by the Covid-19 Pandemic. The impact was in the form of an 84.20% decline in income. At the same time, the Medium-Large Enterprise also experienced an 82.29% decline in its revenue. This phenomenon makes...

My Subject is about Research Methodology in UK

During that time I had the opportunity to attend training as part of the Academic Research Methodology for Master’s Student course at Coventry University. The training was designed to improve the skills of researchers.  We studied for more than 1000 hours. On the part of the assignment of reviewing the individual learner, I read it carefully assignments are as below context which was reviewed by Shau Lin- one of the participants in this class of research completed my assignment as follows; Does international investment law pose a constraint or a threat to Indonesia’s regulatory rights? Before I explain the hypothesis, I would like to point out that international investment law does not apply in the state of Indonesia. However, international investment law will transfer from international investment law to national law. The international investment law will approve the national law of each country. International investment law is not known in Indonesia. According to Articl...

Scholarship Master’s Programme at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Uzbekistan

SCHOLARSHIP ALERT!    Master’sProgramme at “Silk Road” International University of Tourism and Cultural Heritage, Uzbekistan for the Academic year of 2022-2023 Deadline: 10th July 2022 For more information, please click on the link below Source; LDDIKTI

The Story of My Friend that He will Do the 5 Things to Forget His Family

   On this cold, rainy afternoon, I received a call from a distant friend. My best friend is out of town at this time because our headquarters has placed a work order.  At first, he called me on social media and I am thinking that I could see his face on the screen. What surprised me was that he had broken up with his life partner. Of course, I was surprised because all of us in the group have always encouraged him to start a family. This romantic couple is our group on the sales team. They are nice to me and I am myself consider the couple eternal friends.  I remembered well when we as a group enjoyed the sunset at the coffee store in the afternoon. We joked and laughed out loud with this friend. Since our company is founded by a group of young people who are passionate about it, it does not take long and our offices are in multiple locations. And that or friend our couples who have become a harmonious pair, and who work so brilliantly, Our company gave them...

Indonesia is Making Strides with Sustainable Agricultural Production through Progressive European Partnerships

"Despite government claims of partnerships with Europe, Indonesia is still failing miserably as it allows multinational interests to destroy its rainforests decades after it was an obvious catastrophe in the making." The EU welcomes and supports Indonesia’s efforts toward achieving 100 percent sustainable Palm Oil by 2020. The EU is ready to work with Indonesia on how existing certification schemes could be strengthened and promoted.   The EU does not require sustainability measures to be commodity-specific. We are committed to fighting all drivers of deforestation (soy, beef, cocoa, coffee, timber approaches occurred, etc). To be fully inclusive, a future, “sustainable Palm Oil solution “ does not have to put the burden of certification on individual “small farmers “ (40 %of Indonesian Production ): Group -certification and landscape approaches occurred could also be explored. Indonesia has committed to reducing emissions from deforestation by 70–99 percent compared ...

Ambo Nai dan Malla, Youtubers Kampung yang Sukses

Channel youtube Ambo Nai, adalah perjalanan dan perjuangan daripada content creators anak Kampung yang berasal dari Kabupaten Bone, Sul-Sel . Ketika gencar- gencarnya, COVID- 19 Merebak di Indonesia, kami bekerja dari rumah.  Saat itu, ketika lelah dan bosan webinar, kami menonton video Ambo Nai di channel youtbe, Timur Kota official.   Saya sangat terkagum- kagum dengan kisah dalam video itu.   Apa kesitimewaan video ini pada youtube ini? Ada beberapa alasan sehingga channel Ambo Nai popular. Kisahnya sangat membumi dan digambarkan pada Kampung yang hijau dan asri, memiliki tokoh yang kocak dan lucu tetapi kadang- kadang mengesalkan.  Ambo Nai dan Malla, sebagai tokoh utama selalu bertentangan dengan Pak Hansip, Pak Polisi, dan Pak Mantri. Deliver message kepada Peononton bisa dikatakan berhasil apabila komunikasi klop dengan Penontonnya. Hal lain, Pemeran video ini adalah Penduduk asli di Kampung tersebut dan memakai bahasa B...

Part of the Research is Methodology; How does the Campus of Indonesia Empower SMEs? An Analysis of the Assistances found in KEMDIKBUD Programs

                                                                                                                                 Introduction  Small businesses are important to study because they have a crucial role in economic growth on a national and regional scale. Mostly  90% of the total businesses in the world are contributed by SMEs (Lin, 1998).  In addition, SMEs have a contribution to employment (Tambunan, 2005). Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have an important role in the economic and industrial growth of a country (Husband and Purnendu, 1999; Mahemba, 2003; Tambunan, 2005). Empirical studies show that SMEs on an international scale i...

The Day before Pandemic Spreading in my Country and Here I Did when the Pandemic Hit Me

Some of us may survive during the pandemic, but others continue to suffer. They are dying. It is a nightmare because I do not think it will happen again and again. My opinion is just one of my expressions and I really believe in that, we can still persevere in this situation.  On February 27 and 28, the event titled ‘Second IP & Innovation Researchers of ASIA (IPIRA)’ Conference and Workshop for IP Teachers and Researchers was held on the campus. On February 29, 2020, the event continued at the same venue, namely the Faculty of Law UI in Depok, West Java, Indonesia. In my opinion, this event is monumental and of high value as most of the participants are researchers from the field of law who are working on the topic of ‘Intellectual Property. Yes, I am one of the participants. Some participants discussed key concepts such as royalties, and creators.   The participants were from different countries: Bangladesh, ...

Spending Only 3 Hours in Singapore, What to Do ?

Friends,   I want to tell a story to you, that since i have contact trade business in Singapore, then I have the opportunity to visit Singapore. But my interest is, when I go to Singapore, I always choose the Jakarta route, Soekarno Hatta Airport, in Cengkareng to Hang Nadim, to Batam. Then from Batam, I take the ferry to Singapore.   Before a month and a week The month of Ramadan is coming on that time, I had the opportunity to go to Singapore. I got Citilink ticket for Batam at the travel office, in Tebet Street, east of DKI Jakarta. Then the next day, less I've been in Hang Nadim for more than two hours, and upon arrival in Nagoya, I decided stay at Batam, Holiday hotel, which is in side flanked by Macdonald and KFC, the tavern fast food. And across from the hotel, there was a great Mosque, upon arrival, I was able to do my duty Friday prayers.  I walked by the side of the shop and I saw the shops sell branded goods such as Mont Blanc, Hugo, Polo, J...

How to Create an Essay Potentially Go Viral

According to the Oxford Dictionary, an essay is a free-length essay on a side of the problem that was originally shown by short essays, but now it is also used to name complex essays, although still in a limited range.   An essay that can become viral will be supported by several things;   The thesis is set to be at the top or become a hot topic of discussion in an arena. It must provide added value for readers. The essay must have the appropriate hashtag. If the author analyzes a social science, the authors will give hashtags related to content. For example, if the hashtag is a social science, the hashtag should be #Lesson Life. Stay focused on what you write. The essay can go viral if you pay attention to the rules of essay writing. Narrow the topics covered. . Choose a reading source related you want to write you. Give your writing a clear structure to get feedback from readers. That’s a quick shortcut in my thoughts to make you a vira...

It’s about My Lecture of Research Methods in UK

During that time I had the opportunity to attend training as part of the Academic Research Methodology for Master’s Student course at Coventry University. The training was designed to improve the skills of researchers. We studied for more than 1000 hours.  On the part of the assignment of reviewing the individual learner, I read it carefully assignments are as in below context which was reviewed by Shau Lin- one of the participants in this class of research. I completed my assignment as follows;  Does international investment law pose a constraint or a threat to Indonesia’s regulatory rights? Before I explain the hypothesis, I would like to point out that international investment law does not apply in the state of Indonesia. However, international investment law will transfer from international investment law to national law. The international investment law will approve the national law of each country. International investment law is not known in Indonesia. According...

Part of Manuscripts; Definitions of SME,s in Indonesia

Small businesses are important to study because they have a crucial role in economic growth on a national and regional scale. Mostly  90% of the total businesses in the world are contributed by SMEs (Lin, 1998).  In addition, SMEs have a contribution to employment (Tambunan, 2005). Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have an important role in the economic and industrial growth of a country (Husband and Purnendu, 1999; Mahemba, 2003; Tambunan, 2005). Empirical studies show that SMEs on an international scale is a source of job creation (Olomi, 1999; Lin, 1998; Westhead and Cowling, 1995). The contribution of SMEs to employment, both in developed and developing countries, including Indonesia, has a significant role in overcoming the problem of unemployment.  In Indonesia, SMEs have a strategic role in development, this is shown in the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2005- 2025 which states that to strengthen the nation's competitivenes...

Part of My Manuscripts; An Introduction

 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Based on Law no. 20 of 2008 concerning MSMEs, what is meant by micro-enterprises is productive businesses owned by individuals or individual business entities that have a net worth of at most Rp. 50 million excluding land and buildings for business premises, or an annual sales turnover of at most Rp. 300 million. Small Business is a stand-alone productive economic business carried out by individuals who are not subsidiaries, either directly or indirectly. The criteria for a small business to have a net worth of between Rp 50 million to Rp 500 million, excluding land and buildings for business premises or sales turnover ranging from Rp 300 million to Rp 2.5 billion. Medium Enterprises are independent productive economies carried out by individuals who are not subsidiaries, either directly or indirectly. The criteria for medium-sized businesses have assets of more than Rp 500 million to Rp 10 billion excluding lan...

How Campuses of Indonesia Empower SMEs in Indonesia,

                                                                                                                                               PENDAHULUAN  Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) mempunyai peranan yang penting dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi dan industri suatu negara (Husband and Purnendu, 1999; Mahemba, 2003; Tambunan, 2005). Usaha kecil penting untuk dikaji karena mempunyai peranan yang krusial dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi pada skala nasional dan regional. Hampir 90% dari total usaha yang ada di dunia merupakan kontribusi dari UKM (Lin, 1998). Disamping itu, UKM mempunyai kontribusi terhadap penyerapan tenaga kerja (Tambunan, 2005)...